Our aim is to provide leading aviation environmental policy consulting to the Federal Government, local airports, local governments, and other aviation environmental consulting firms to assist them in meeting the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and other state and local environmental laws.




  • Aviation Environmental Policy:  Provide advice and counsel to Aviation Environmental companies, Federal Government, state and local governments, local airports on various airspace, airport capacity, and environmental modeling efforts and assist in analyzing the environmental impacts of a wide range of airport and airspace modifications including those related to the implementation of improvements to the National Airspace System.  This capability provides the ability to evaluate the environmental consequences of proposed actions throughout the airspace and procedure design project process and allows environmental evaluation in conjunction with evaluation of other impacts such as those on airport capacity or airspace efficiency. 
  • NEPA Compliance:  Provide expert review of NEPA documentation, noise analysis, and policy guidance to ensure compliance with the standards and best practices for aviation airspace and procedures environmental evaluation.  This includes assistance with completing the necessary NEPA documentation for these projects and assisting the FAA and its supporting contractors in successfully establishing the protocols for this type of environmental work.  This includes: 
    • Reviewing environmental impact statements (EISs), environmental assessments (EAs), Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSIs), Records of Decision (RODs), and documented categorical exclusions (CATEXs).  This will be done in accordance with NEPA for projects at airports of all sizes throughout the United States, and in support of FAA actions, including airspace route and procedural changes.  We will assure that the documentation is prepared in accordance with FAA Order 1050.1, Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures, FAA Order 5050.4, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Instructions for Airport Actions, other FAA guidance and procedures.
    • Assisting airport operators throughout the NEPA process by providing strategic guidance, preparing planning, and other project-related documentation requested by the FAA and reviewing and providing comments on draft NEPA documentation.
    • Assuring that the environmental documents are legally defensible and addresses environmental factors such as noise, air quality, energy, climate change, historic and cultural resources, and endangered species, and socio-economic impacts.
  • State and Local Governments:  Provide assistance to state and local governments with the environmental planning, analyses, and documentation and noise compatibility planning for their airport projects.  Environmental planning projects for numerous airports.  This includes providing expert review of NEPA documentation, noise analysis, and policy guidance to ensure compliance with the standards and best practices for aviation environmental evaluation.  Environmental documents include Initial Studies, Negative Declarations, and environmental impact reports (EIRs).
  • Environmental Tools Analyses.  Provide review of the FAA's environmental modeling and screening tools results prepared for single airport or regional aircraft environmental analyses in support of federal and state environmental processing, noise compatibility planning, and other specialized environmental studies.
  • Noise Compatibility Planning.  Provide review and assistance in the preparation of airport noise and land use compatibility studies under Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 150, Airport Noise Compatibility Planning.  Assistance includes identifying incompatible land uses that may be exposed to significant levels of aircraft noise, and identify appropriate noise abatement and mitigation measures.